Where’s Kai?

I know that some of you have probably wondered, “where is Kai?”  I’m here. Somewhat in varying degrees of dimensions of what ‘here’ is. I haven’t been on Facebook a lot. Here and there I’ll post but I am in a state of learning and have pulled myself away to get the best education that IContinueContinue reading “Where’s Kai?”

Don’t Get Sucked In

me, GROWING AND PROUD OF MYSELF. This morning I sit and create with the thoughts that God gave me. I am reminded of two videos I started working on for a client late yesterday and how to top them off. And then, my thoughts go to a meeting that I have on Monday. At theContinueContinue reading “Don’t Get Sucked In”

Let The Dead Bury The Dead

Okay, so if you follow me on Facebook you know that I post quite a bit of questions, “be mindful” quotes, inspirational flyers and posts to inspire thought. Recently I posted “Let the dead bury the dead”. This was actually posted after I was thinking about Easter and the concept of, traditionalized, and ritualistic eventsContinueContinue reading “Let The Dead Bury The Dead”

One Voice For All

I love to hear different points of view because it allows me different perspectives. The other day I was listening to this video and what David Banner was saying made me think a bit more about how we think as a society sometimes carries an undertone for “group think”  using the term of ‘being on one accord’ and howContinueContinue reading “One Voice For All”

I am A Seeker

Just a few facts about the nature of who I am so that you may better understand me, my posts, my actions, or lack of action in some cases. I am a seeker. I seek truth and a deeper meaning to life through spirituality. I don’t mind telling my truth and I am anything butContinueContinue reading “I am A Seeker”

Get Lost

I’ve often found it hard to fathom when people say “Ain’t nothing changed.” I wonder why they take pride in that.  And if nothing’s changed wouldn’t that be apparent and no need to speak on it. So, obviously something has changed but in order to not be different we are encouraged to stay the same.ContinueContinue reading “Get Lost”

Reflection (2017) Part 2

2017 was like that mother that beat you into submission, but then sat you down to explain ‘why’. Once you understood why it was whipping you into shape, you knew that it wanted you to climb higher into your next level of consciousness. It was the year that demanded you learn. Learn more about yourselfContinueContinue reading “Reflection (2017) Part 2”

Reflection (2017)

There are years in one’s life that will most certainly be remembered. 2017 is that year for me.  It was the year that everything that I thought I knew was tested. About myself, the people around me, and the systems that I had once relied upon to get me through every moment of the day.ContinueContinue reading “Reflection (2017)”

2017 A Year Of Reconciliation

When it is time to be alone everyone you know will disappear. Not in the definition of vanishing and that you are unsure of where they are, or that you yourself didn’t have something to do with their disappearance but it will happen because it is time.  When it is time for you to takeContinueContinue reading “2017 A Year Of Reconciliation”

In Limbo (The in-between place)

Sometimes it’s hard to talk about the in-between places. The places that feel like limbo. You’re not where you used to be but you’re not quite yet where you’re headed. You have faith enough to know that you’re close but the GPS seems to keep re-routing you. It’s the place where everything you once knewContinueContinue reading “In Limbo (The in-between place)”