Let The Dead Bury The Dead

Okay, so if you follow me on Facebook you know that I post quite a bit of questions, “be mindful” quotes, inspirational flyers and posts to inspire thought. Recently I posted “Let the dead bury the dead”. This was actually posted after I was thinking about Easter and the concept of, traditionalized, and ritualistic eventsContinueContinue reading “Let The Dead Bury The Dead”


this is going to be so beautiful I can feel it. deep #KaiologyInk #Kaism #KaiIsh #Kai2pointO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEb3jtRKuRo

Senses Heightened

My sense heightened I just need a minute to think time to get with self time to rub my scalp with my own thoughts how I feel about whatever I need to talk with me to see how I feel just to check in it used to overwhelm me I kept doing it then todayContinueContinue reading “Senses Heightened”


There’s something to be said about Freedom the Freedom to feel as deep as you want as much as you want with who you want when you want… ~Kai2pointO~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaR2OPwBTqA

A Private Island

Being on a private Island just a few of us Chillin’ Spirits high bodies low just relaxed Being able to do what we want whatever that is seeing beautiful lights from up high and then down low and how they light up your heart It ain’t that deep but I like it Some things shouldContinueContinue reading “A Private Island”


    We say that we see but do we really we look but we don’t really see We look at the surface the stuff on top we don’t look hard, long, and deep We look just enough Enough to make an assumption we don’t look deeper to watch Where we’re no longer just lookingContinueContinue reading “Seeing”

What I’ve learned about me

I feel like lately I’ve learned a couple of things about myself; that I don’t really care for small talk.  I love deep in-depth conversations where I can learn something new. I prefer a one on one where there’s two people talking sometimes one at a time and sometimes at the same time. I love that IContinueContinue reading “What I’ve learned about me”