Red Pill or Blue

Today, be mindful that you get to choose the red pill or the blue. Every morning that you wake you get a choice. You get to choose if you’ll unplug from the matrix, walk into your Divine Purpose, and be guided by Divine Wisdom and Knowledge. Or, take the blue pill and remain the same.ContinueContinue reading “Red Pill or Blue”

De’Andrea Matthews- Conversations With Kai Mann Graced with an abundance of gifts, Dr. De’ Andrea Matthews, without reservation, selflessly pours her heart into her work and into the lives of many in various capacities. Join us on the couch tonight for a conversation about diversity and inclusion. Watch the show Wednesdays at 7pm EST. Visit Dr. Dee Website: reading “De’Andrea Matthews- Conversations With Kai Mann”

JoVonna Williams- Conversations With Kai Mann JoVonna Williams, a mother of three children whose life took a drastic turn at the early age of 29 years old when she was diagnosed with a Rare Auto Immune Condition “Eosinophilic Myenteric Ganglionitis” after undergoing surgery at Cleveland Clinic. She is the Fourth Person in the world to be diagnosed with this condition.ContinueContinue reading “JoVonna Williams- Conversations With Kai Mann”

Don’t Forget to Stand Out

“Today, be mindful to stand out.” Sometimes it may be difficult to stand out because of the light that shines on us. Sometimes that light shines so bright that it shows our flaws, imperfections, mistakes, and our failures. This can make it hard to stand up in our truth because of how feel about thoseContinueContinue reading “Don’t Forget to Stand Out”

New Episode- Conversations With Kai Mann 11/1/2017 Join us on the couch Wed. November 1st at 7pm EST when we talk balancing life and hustling with Cassandra Carter.  Visit #fastlife #books #author #model#modeling #transformation #millennial

Kai Mann Quoteology Video #2


In the past because I am an organizer by Nature and like to keep things orderly and professional I used to have issues when things seemed to be in disarray. To help me get through this issue because the world is not orderly, organized or professional all the time the Creator saw fit to introduceContinueContinue reading “Struggle”

where there is LIGHT

where there is LIGHT there is LOVE there is warmth a safe space a time of healing comes from light energy focused on shedding the old to get to the new we get distracted just as we’re about to see a bit of light keep going into the light Evolve Stretch Grow to get toContinueContinue reading “where there is LIGHT”


In the past I’ve been afraid Afraid to say “I need more” thinking that you’d think I was weak Been afraid to be ‘happy’ thought I didn’t deserve it not really I never said it to myself at least not out loud but all of my actions said so carrying old wounds scars bruises andContinueContinue reading “Afraid”

Watching Miracles

I’ve often wondered what it would feel like to go through a Job type situation. Not that I wanted to go through it myself. I knew it could be tough but to watch someone else grow through it the way that they are, I guess you can take it a couple of ways.  Me, IContinueContinue reading “Watching Miracles”