Red Pill or Blue

Today, be mindful that you get to choose the red pill or the blue. Every morning that you wake you get a choice. You get to choose if you’ll unplug from the matrix, walk into your Divine Purpose, and be guided by Divine Wisdom and Knowledge. Or, take the blue pill and remain the same.ContinueContinue reading “Red Pill or Blue”

Letting Go- Self Awareness What if you were the person someone had to let go of in order to move into their destiny? Sometimes when our friends, family, partners, significant others, coworkers, business colleagues, etc. let us go we get upset not realizing sometimes we are the reason for the departure. Often we don’t bring anything to theContinueContinue reading “Letting Go- Self Awareness”

Don’t Overthink It

I don’t really care how it happened or what was the process it doesn’t matter it’s still the same result… Don’t overthink it learn when to let it go ~K Kai Mann © 2014

I See Her

I wasn’t wrong about her I see her She is everything Everything I thought she would be We can only be someone else for so long then we let go… we have to