Red Pill or Blue

Today, be mindful that you get to choose the red pill or the blue. Every morning that you wake you get a choice. You get to choose if you’ll unplug from the matrix, walk into your Divine Purpose, and be guided by Divine Wisdom and Knowledge. Or, take the blue pill and remain the same.ContinueContinue reading “Red Pill or Blue”

Significance Every time that I do an event, host a show, or anything important, when I get home or the next morning after prayers I go over it in my head. This morning was no different. Last night My co-producer and I had our first film screening for the Cast of The Out Loud InContinueContinue reading “Significance”

where there is LIGHT

where there is LIGHT there is LOVE there is warmth a safe space a time of healing comes from light energy focused on shedding the old to get to the new we get distracted just as we’re about to see a bit of light keep going into the light Evolve Stretch Grow to get toContinueContinue reading “where there is LIGHT”