Thirty Day Notice

Thirty Day Notice-Front Cover


What a good and thought-provoking story. I found that I was questioning myself throughout the book: Am I living a lie? Am I living the life that I think I should? I love books that spark something in me causing me to dig deep. Like you, I too believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. A lesson is a lesson is a lesson. It’s all about what one does w/that lesson that matters. Kori just needed to sit herself still and be by her dang on self for a minute. & stop falling for them damn red bones…(I’m not bitter, really. I love being brown…LOL).



After reading that, the nuggets I’m walking away with are: be grateful, be thankful, my situation may not be as bad as someone else’s, but it’s mine, confront your issues head-on – no matter how painful, trust yourself and have faith because GOD has a plan for you and it will manifest itself when you allow him to do so.





Kudos to you my friend!

Phette Ogburn

Published by Kai Mann

Empowering and educating others around the world about the nature of self-love, self-growth, and the importance of self-awareness that leads to authentic change and infinite transformation.

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