Love Notices

I used to love love like that I’m not sure I know what happened I do but I don’t understand what effect that has on me I’m talking bout that love that’s soul quenching and more that tugs at you from within dragging everything else out that kind of love that takes you through itContinueContinue reading “Love Notices”

What If

What if If you win If you go farther farther than you expected Could you imagine life I just wanna see how far I can go You can’t worry about anyone else I mean you gotta want it Want it so bad so bad that you want them to come along but if they can’t thenContinueContinue reading “What If”


It almost seems impossible Not to think about the past The past is tangible It’s something you can see, touch, and some cases feel I want to go to another level Where there is more more than that that happens then this I’m ready to do something different I got a taste for it I’mContinueContinue reading “Different”

Staying In My Own Lane

I want to sing in my own key Dance to my own tune And not hold myself back because of you I just want to do what feels right to me   So many things in life we do because we have to Wouldn’t it be nice to just do you?   I just wantContinueContinue reading “Staying In My Own Lane”