
>Age does not necessitate that one is grown
Especially if tricks or mind games are being played over the internet or the phone
The number of years that a person has been alive does not dictate that they are mature
And neither does the number of people that they seem to allure
The number of times you’ve done a thing does not make you seasoned
It doesn’t suggest a thing but one wonder what is the reason
What age does suggest is the number of sunsets you have been privy to
And the number of days you’ve remained alive and made it through
Age doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the answer to every question
But the higher your age hopefully you’ve learned some important lessons
Age sometimes give the perception of mental intelligence
But as you will find that age does not always have social relevance
It has been said that with age comes wisdom
I’m not so sure that is true but I know with age comes freedom
People have said act your age but what does that really mean
Does age suggest that now you can be heard as well as be seen
Age can be a tricky synopsis to try and conclude
But hopefully whatever your definintion of age matches your attitude

Published by Kai Mann

Empowering and educating others around the world about the nature of self-love, self-growth, and the importance of self-awareness that leads to authentic change and infinite transformation.

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